Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Baby Boy is Nine months old.....Bummer

Time with My little Knox Boo is going by so fast! I want to put him in a jar, and seal it, and make him never grow .....Can you tell I am having a little bit of a melt down.
He is a sweet heart. All the bad things I said about him in that previous post are not true (he was teething that post) He is getting SO FUNNY! He has got a huge personality! He is still so smart. He can walk about 6-10 steps at a time, but he will NOT try. He only does this when he is in a hurry and wants to get somewhere fast, and he thinks no one can see him. He is so so so very stubborn. He has tantrums like you would see a 13 year old girl have in the movies! It is HILARIOUS! Rye and I are so mean, we will try to provoke him just to see one!
He is so BIG... He is 18 month old clothes, and wears the same size of diaper has Holden. when ever Holden and I Say " Sho Sho" He flips out laughing hysterically. I have no idea why?? I dont think he does either. I love him.

He is my best friend...He is such a good boy, and is so helpful. He takes such great care of his baby brother. He is such a great giving friend. He would give and share with anybody! He refuses to POTTY TRAIN! He is so high strung, and gets out of control when he is hyper, it drives me nuts. I think he really cant help it though, It is just his nature. He really tries to be good. He says his prayers all by himself. He loves his Heavenly Father already, it is so cute!
I've gotta update with his latest crazy remarks!

(this one is probably not to appropriate but I have gotta tell!)
He Brings me in a Tampon, and says " Hey mom, is this for my broken bum, is this for when my bum breaks?? or is it jus a wocket." (rocket)
HaHa! I had to call and tell Rye that one. I told him it was "jus a wocket" =)

He woke up in the middle of night when Rye was gone, and did my worst thing my kids do (sleep cry!) I couldn't calm him down and so I brought him in the bed with me. I couple minutes later he randomly says clear as day in his sleep. " hey you better just back off partner!" ......then about 10 seconds later........"dere's a Snake in my BOOT!" .....HAHA! He loves Woody from toy story! He is really convinced he is him.

Rye, and Portia-
We are doing great! We are actually moving again though, surprise surprise. We should hopefully be moving by the end of the month. I am exited to be closer to home.
I got called into the primary presidency....I was kinda nervous, but I think I will love it!
I have been training for a half Marathon, and have been so proud of myself for trying so haard. Rye is so great! I am so proud of him. He recently was asked by his work if he wanted to do his apprenticeship as an electrician at work! (How cool is that!) get paid to get a great skill. It is not what he has in mind as his career but we figure it would be a great thing for him to pick up while we are there.
I am sending the camera with him so I can do a post just about him. You would be AMAZED if you saw what he does. Anyway hope everyone is doing Good!
I have some cute pictures of Knoxy I will post later!

Sorry about the long/boring/way to long/post....for my own journaling.


The brackens said...

That is what your post made me do!!! Love it!!! Glad the FItzY's are dpoing good!!!

The McKims! said...

haaaa! that is so funny!!! Lincoln got in my bag at carsons parents house once and brought me two tampons (right in front of carsons parents) while asking for somethimg in particular (a treat or something. i cant remember). it was pretty funny. kids! i love that its now a rocket!

Celisa said...

Oh man, I am so glad that you shared the story about Holden's "rocket." That is hilarious!!! Definitely not a boring post at all. I love hearing about you and your kids and all of Holden's sayings! I'm so glad that you guys are doing good. Good luck with the move and the half-marathon, you'll do awesome! Love ya!

LaDawna said...

Such a cute family. I hope things just get better and better.

The Durham's said...

Your family keeps me entertained!! You provoking Knox reminds me how when Elsie is having her tantrums we just sit there and laugh at her for a minute or two before we help her. We're mean!

Ricci Harvey said...

That is freakin' HILARIOUS! Broken bum. Hahahaha! Glad you are doing good!

Ricci Harvey said...

Where are you moving?