Saturday, July 10, 2010

Full of Fashion?

Diaper is full..............Full of *FASHION!*

When he goes #2.......He looks like a NUMBER 1!!
I literally just watched that commercial, which kills me every time, and walked right out side to this < and was like "Now that's a diaper full of some Fashion!"

(I swear I dont neglect my kids, thats his morning load, pretty full!)

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Knoxy poos special day!

We were so lucky to be able to go home and bless Knox. It turned out wonderful! Thanks to all who came, helped, made salads, and just made us feel so loved! I couldn't believe how many people came to support us. I feel like new castle ward must hate us! j/k. I took so many pictures and so I added a ton.

Knox is such a special guy, I seriously adore him. He just had his two monther, and he is 25 inches long (95% tile!) and 13 pounds! He is so sweet, and loves to cuddle and be smiled at. Thanks little goosey for giving us a reason to have a gigantic Moyle, Woods, Fitzwater Reunion!


(you are sooo very handsome)

Dont Forget about this little stinker! ( with his cousin Lincoln)

Three Generations of Listers! (some awesome fellas) and some family.