Holden is doing so good! He loves loves loves school! And he is good at it. He is so dang smart it is almost annoying. We love their new school, it is such a fun, laid back, great school. Holden loves it and loves his teacher. He has gotten the "outstanding student" award 3 times now, and was the first one to get it. Its amazing how the teachers perspective of students matter so much. His teacher last year just didn't like him....therefore he wasn't given that much attention, and more negative attention. Which is so frustrating when you see how smart they are. But his new teacher actually even gave me a personal phone call last week and expressed to me how smart she thinks Holden is, and how much she just loves having him. =) I was so happy! And thankful for a wonderful teacher. To my young mom friends, if you get a bad vibe with a teacher, go with your gut and switch! Be brave and do it, trust me.
Hoges in soccer, and loves it. He loves doing activities, like creating things. He is so creative for a boy. He loves primary, and his new primary also teacher came and found me and told me how much she loves Holden, and how he is the sharpest kid she has ever known!....You have no idea how good it feels to have people appreciate your kids good qualities! We know and see them, but when others do it is so rewarding. We love Hoge and are so proud of him.
Race is so naughty....the end
J/k, but he is naughty! At bed time when we are having family prayers, everyone will be kneeling down, with their heads bowed, and Race will sneak up and walk around and just punch Holden and Knox in the head as hard as he can! He gets such a kick out of it! and it makes it worse that the big boys just laugh and encourage stuff like that! It is not going to end well for Race....He LOVES shoes and has a major obsession. He can throw a fit like no other!! I have recorded some but I cant show them, because you would literally think we were torturing him with a hot stick, when it is just over him wanting to wear a specific pair of shoes, and not the ones you put on him! At stores he latches on to shoes and we end up having to buy them. He has to go to bed with a pair of shoes on even. It is so strange. He says a few phrases now. Some of my favorite are "Good Show!" (after a movie) "I do" or "me to" "NO WAY" "wake up guys!" "CUTE shoes" ...short ones, but he talks crystal clear. He loves music! He dances and sings so funny! especially in the car! It is so unique and funny! He is a runner. You let go of him and he is gone, as fast as those little legs can take him. It is stressful because he knows how to open doors. I constantly have to chase him down the driveway and sometimes down the road! It is so funny because our 4 little kitty's follow him everywhere! It's like a train. The other day when I found him heading down the road, he had ALL the kittys with him. His little guardians, haha. Its so funny because he is so mean to them, but they love him. I constantly hear "Go Titty!" "Shoo titty!" and "NO no no Titty" as he chucks them out of his way....He is a keeper....most of the time=)

Our little Boozy is just about the cutest little thing I've ever seen! He is so funny. He is my funny child. He has the best sense of humor, and the cutest little laugh and giggle. He is so tender hearted though. He loves Holden so much its almost insane! He was telling me about how they did a fire drill at school (his first) and how he was so scared. I ask him why, and he said because he was so worried about Holden. He said he just waited out on the grass until he saw Holden come out the door safely. He said " I was about to go in there and find him!" A few days before that, I asked him how school went, and he said " It was good, but I cried a lot...." I was like, what, why?? and He told me how Holden didn't sit with him on the bus, and so when he got to class he just felt to sad, and he couldn't control his cry's =( sad, right?? He said the teacher took him in the hall and asked what was wrong, but she couldn't understand him, because he was crying to hard! But he finally told her, that he was to sad because he missed his brother and didn't get to spend time with him that morning....So sweet, =) They make a good duo. Another cute thing was last week when Elder Scott passed away, I was watching the news when that was announced. Knox was sitting by me. I told him what had happened, and he said
"Oh no...my heart already hurt 2 times...now it gets to hurt three." I almost cried! I gave him a hug. Kids are freaking amazing! I would have never guessed he even knew he was the third apostle to die recently. He is a sweetheart.