Sunday, June 14, 2009

Holdens new pictures!


So we got Holdens pictures taken and I am so happy with them! I thought they turned out sooo cute. I was dying laughing because some of the pictures captured him so well! He reminds me soooo much of rye. He was so grumpy so I was glad some turned out so good.


Cox's said...

oh they are sooooooo cute! he is a good lookin boy!

Mirinda said...

He is so good! He is a lot of fun! He makes such funny sounds and has grown a lot. Wash had one of his bad days too when we took his pics. When i treid to put him in the tea cup he would freak out. He hated that thing! How is holden? He has grown so much! oh and are you guys moving?

The Nebs said...

What a cutie! That boys bound to still many hearts!

Cassie said...

Portia, I love the pictures of Holden!!!! They really captured his personality. I do hope that you can come home on the24th. It would be wonderful to see you.
Hug Rye and Holden for me...Love Ya --Deb

Cassie said...

Portia, I love the pictures of Holden!!!! They really captured his personality. I do hope that you can come home on the24th. It would be wonderful to see you.
Hug Rye and Holden for me...Love Ya --Deb
It says I'm Cassie --but Im not!!

Ricci Harvey said...

Those are cute!

McKay and Amanda Jones said...

Those pics of him are adoatable! They seem to really catch his personality! Cute!

Cassie said...

Hey it really is me this time. Me and my mom share the same computer! We love the pictures of Holden! Who took them? They are SO cute. He looks like Rye to me!

Sara Schwartz said...

He is one handsome little guy!!! I think he is a good mix between you two!! I love the picture of him where he has his hands to his mouth that is so so cute!!

Ricci Harvey said...

Thanks Portia, I feel so bad that things didn't really go as planned with your session, I so could have done better. But I need new equipment to help on my outdoor sessions.