But anyway life has been pretty darn good for our little family. We have been so lucky this past week. We have been able to spend time with both Rye's and my family. Rye's mom, dad, grandparents, and brother took a trip to see us and some surrounding areas. It was so fun having them here for a little bit. Holden was so in heaven! It was also nice having those men do some chores fro me, haha! what great men they all are! Then the day they left we headed to Salt Lake to watch state wrestling. It was so nice to get to see all my family. they were almost all there. Slade did great. He took 3rd, we were hoping for first but he will do it next year!
The baby is getting so big! It is fun because I get to have an ultra sound every other week. The lady spends about five min checking up on my placenta, then she spends thirty playing with the little man! Rye has had a ton of time off work because of weather, so life has actually felt normal! We have gone and done a ton of fun little family things. Holden is getting so funny. He is starting to talk so good and has the funniest things to say.
for example, Treats/candy are "TreeeeeEEE Poos!!"His trains all have names, like his Happy train, mean lil' train, or his tracty trainy.
But the best thing is his "bad word". It is actually kinda sad. He hears me yell RYE!!!! so much because, of course I am always getting mad at his dad haha, and so he thinks rye is a bad word, or angry word. So whenever he is mad or frustrated he yells, Rye, rye rye!!!
Any how here are some pictures of visiting family, family outings, Holden and his friends, and just life lately! There are a billion!
This cracked me up...Holden trying to bite your ear! I love the pics. THANK YOU for the Valentines! Brady and Noah loved the fun dip!
The whole Rye thing is so freakin' funny! I laughed so hard Curtis was wondering what I was reading. It looks like you guys have been having a lot of fun!
bahaha!! The whole "bad word" is sooo sooo funny!! I will be sharing that with Brent! Also, the ear bitting.. lol!!! You have one cute little boy!!! He is also getting so big! Glad things are going great, love the pictures!!!
Even tho we never get to see much of each other, Blogging is great because we still get to "see" you Fitz'!! :)!!!
oh.. and HAPPY LOVE DAY TO YOU GUYS!!! lol!!!
It looks like you guys are having fun! And Holden is so dang cute! I'm excited to see pics of your next little guy when he comes!
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