Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Botherly Love....

These two little boys Love each other so much.... They have the sweetest little bond.
Yesterday: Knox has been a MONSTER! and he had gotten into our bathroom and was heading in the toilet...Rye (being so frustrated with him) grabbed him and started pretend spanking him! Just to make a point that Knox was making us Crazy! .....HUGE mistake. I looked at Holden and his face went white, He started screaming!...you know how your kids have two cries. The everyday cry, and then there's the cry that sends you running to them...He used that one. He just started freaking out! "That's MY BABY!!! MY baby!!! " And Rye and I just looked at each other like, What is happening?? haha! All I know is that kid grabbed Knox and hugged and held onto him and just cried his little heart out, Knox just giggled and smiled.....
I got all teary, I know they have known each other for a long time.


Ricci Harvey said...

That's soooo cute! Kinda sad that it made him sad but so cute! I love your little boys!

Shanley said...

When did your kids get so big? Especially Knox? They are adorable, and it's awesome they have each other.

The brackens said...

HOW FRICKIN CUTE!!!!! I couldnt help but laugh :)!!!! Cute Cute kids!! I cant believe how big Knox is already!

Sammy said...

I know how they are. Bentlee can be mean to Tatum, but if anyone else is we get the dont be mean to my sister lecture. Knox is huge I think you should start thinking about another one. HAHA

Cassie said...

Okay that is a great story. Holden will be a great big brother to him.

Erica Locke said...

Oh my heck I can't believe how big Knox looks. And I love that story. I feel that way towards my siblings. I know that I can be mean to them, but if anyone else is they better watch out! I can't remember who, but in High School I remember threating to bet the crap out of someone in Tara's class if they ever said mean things to her again. Your boys are VERY cute.

The McKims! said...

Ohhh MAN! i am so freakin excited to see my little guys next week!! Knoxaroo, here come the kisses!! I love them portia. I wish you lived closer.

The McKims! said...

Oh, and the dog days are over...

The McKims! said...

I'm just saying...

Celisa said...

Oh man, your kids are too cute. And that story made me laugh and want to cry at the same time-what a sweet big brother! I also can't believe how old Knox looks! I hope that you guys are doing well!