Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Holdens Birthday!..and stuff

My baby Boy is
I cant even begin to express how much we love you Holden.  Your such a good person, and are going to be awesome someday!  Your so kind, and the first to give kisses. Your smile is contagious, you help your mommy so good, you are always the first to remember prayers whether it's bedtime, meals, driving, or you just think we need a family one. Your SO special.  You will be such a great friend, everyone is going to want to be your friend.  Your so fun!  I love how you appreciate everything me or anyone else does or gives to you, it makes me so PROUD of you. You are far beyond your years with your imagination and party/day planning.  I love how happy you are.  Thanks for choosing us as your family.
He wanted an actual Birthday party this year, so we invited all his cousins.  He was so excited, so thanks you guys for coming and bringing food and everything.  We have such awesome family.  His Birthday party was a transformers party.  (his last choice) It was kinda cold that day, but everyone was such great sports.  I took lots of pictures!
My handsome birthday boy!...with cupcake face.
Sorry cheesey, you were asking for it though;)

sweet little Ashton helping Knox hit the pinata.
She is so dang cute! (Sams baby)

The "Autobots" getting ready for their mission (scavenger hunt)
Issac was so cute trying to hit it!...Pinatas scare the crap out of me, don't think we will do this again!

Grandma Debbie and Holden.

Blowing his candles out!  So, we got a cupcake cake, because we thought "oh how easy!" they just suck, don't get one. But he had a great day.  We got him a big boy bike, and everyone else spoiled him rotten!

Grandma Rhoda didn't get to come, so after the party we headed over there to visit her.  I was excited to get this picture of all three grandmas on Rye's side together! 
Update:  We are doing good.  I feel like I am a trucker though.  We have lived out of bags since January, and it's been a bit hellish, but we're  about done =)  Two more weeks and we will finally be off the waiting list to live in Elko.  We are excited!  We have been traveling back and forth every 4 days.  I miss my stuff and having a schedule,  and a life, haha!  But as soon as we get moved things will settle down....And I'll keep the ol' blog updated, obviously we don't have Internet. 
To stay busy, Ive managed to completely redecorate my house, that I don't have (all our things are in storage)  But Ive been sewing and buying....and buying =) and making, and Ryes been building me things.  I'm excited to get it all in one place!  I had to add the bottom picture, not many husbands will help their wife sew (pillow covers)  or I guess can sew period!  I have a good man on my hands!
Hope everyone is doin good, and ready for a tan!!....I freaking am. =)



bliss' said...

I love the grandma picture and the sewing picture! Cameron can sew too but it is not to often I can get him to do it! I am sorry you have to leave out of bags I did that in ely luckily only for a few weeks at a time but it does suck. Happy birthday to the big 5 year old!

Ricci Harvey said...

Looks like you're having fun, Curtis likes to help me with my projects too. Holden is such a handsome little stud! Happy Birthday to him! I miss Mirinda! Tell her hi for me.

The Stylers said...

Haha I love your posts so I just can't wait until you can post more! I can't believe holden is 5 he is so dang cute!!! O and rye good man good sewin!

Cassie said...

We had so much fun at Holden's Birthday party. I can't believe he's five! That is just crazy!
I love seeing all the pics. I love the one with the Grandma's too. What a great picture.
I hope the next few weeks go by fast for you guys so you can get settled. I want to come to Elko to see you! I think we are coming to the ranch in May. I'll let you know when.
Rye is awesome. I bet he's a lot of fun!
Now if I can just figure out how to update my blog!

Woods Family said...

cute pictures!! Can't believe Holden is 5! Randan has helped with A LOT of projects but sewing is one thing he won't touch haha :)

Celisa said...

Wow, Holden is 5! He seems like such a cool little boy. It looks like it was a fun party! I'm glad that you guys are doing well! I hope the time until you get moved and settled passes quickly. It was good to see a picture of Mirinda--I haven't seen her in person since her wedding! Oh, and the picture of Rye at the sewing machine is awesome. :)