Oh my goodness, finally were settled down! The last almost six months have been CRAZY and HARD! But we are now living in Elko and doing great. (I miss you mom though) I don't even know where to begin. Im gonna do a detailed update of everyone in the Family, for my own record =) Ive missed my blog, and miss all of you blogging to. So now I don't live close anymore (SISTERS/MOM) you better BLOG dangit! =)
He gave us a scare memorial weekend......probably the worst scare of my life. We made a quick trip home to support my dad in his new calling, and the night we got there, Friday, Knox was fine. He woke me up in the middle of the night because he sounded awful!!! He could hardly breath and his temperature was 104. The next day we were worried about phenomena so we ran him to the Cedar city instacare. They said he just had bad croup. We're like ok, croup is no big deal......Ya, guess again, croup is scary!! They couldn't give him a
breathing treatment, I guess they can only do that in the ER now, but they gave him an oral steroid, which the Dr thought was fine. So, we were driving home, right outside of Cedar, when we gave him a French fry. We were advised to probably not let him eat solids. With in a minute or so he started choking, I guess not really choking he couldn't even cough. This whole time he had been having a hard time catching his breath and would start panicking and I would have to calm him down to get him to breath, but we think because of his clogged croup throat it was the fry. But I could tell he was having a hard time and he was trying to get his seat belt off to get to me (I want to cry just typing this!) So I grabbed him and started pounding on his back, and he was already turning blue, so I yelled for Rye to pull over. Rye pulled over and ran to my side of the truck and by the time Rye got there, literally seconds, Knox went into what looked like a seizer.......then he just went blue and limp. Rye yelled and told me to call 911, and started doing the Heimlich. I realized we both didn't have our phones, so I ran into the road like a crazy person, and believe it or not the person wasn't going to stop, so I jumped in front of the car (WTH right? why would you not stop) I told them to call 911, Then turned around and saw Rye over there still working on Knox and he was so Blue and limp still...... I was not calm, a didn't know what to do, I didn't even want to look at him. I ran back over to Rye then ran to ask someone in a vehicle to help, when just then a a truck load of fireman pulled up, and Knox out of nowhere gasped!! Rye said no fry came out and he doesn't know for sure what he did, but our little stinker started breathing. There was a wreck right down the road so the EMTs were there within minutes. Everyone was SOOOO kind and nice, and I know Knox would have been in such great hands. The fireman sat with him and gave him a stuffed animal, and the EMTs helped us right there on the spot and gave him a breathing treatment, and checked him out. They said they have revived little kids like Knox 15 minutes after they quite breathing and had them be fine, resilient little kids. What a blessing though. Rye and I were in shock and still when Im snuggling with him I want to cry and think about how hard it would be if something happened to him or Holden. I know this kind of stuff happens all the time, but this was so scary for some reason. Poor Rye had to sleep on the ground that night, so I could keep both eyes on him all night long. Like I said I didn't know if he actually was choking or not??
What you guys have learned from this IS: Croup is quite dangerous, their throat can be blocked off. Know how to help your kid if they need it, I didn't.... I didn't know which method of the Heimlich because of his age to use. (EMTs said he is right between both so either one) Rye said he realized the Heimlich wasn't working so he shoved his hand down Knox's throat, deep enough knox was bleeding, and he thinks that's what helped. I love this little stinker! And I am so thankful for him, and everyday I get with him!
He is so old, it is really weird! He is such a good kid, I cant hardly believe he is mine. He has such a good head on him, and I am always so impressed with how mature he is. Kids will be fighting over toys and Holden will walk in and chew them all out and tell them they need to share, and if they don't share they cant play with his stuff! He is such a good loyal friend. And even a better brother. I cant count how many times he has defended Knox just this week. He is so patient and good with Knox, I think if Knox was my little brother, I would romp on him. When I go to the gym they go to the daycare there and just yesterday I walk in there and Holden is nowhere to be seen. Then Knox sees me and I can tell he's been crying and he yells MOM and points down at the rug. And there are two little legs poking out. They are Holdens! So I lift the big rug/floor mat thing up, and there's Holden with his arm around another kids leg and the kids dragging Holden kicking him and screaming trying to get away from him, and the kids got Knoxs toy!! I laughed so hard. If Knox has any problems Holden always saves the day. He is so excited to go to school! I love this kid.
Im good =)
Sorry for my novel! We have a fun weekend planned, so I can blog about the good stuff!
I am so glad things are working out! It has been great seeing you guys up here! I hope you have a fun weekend and I can't wait to hear about it!
I am so glad you are back in bloggy land. I have missed you updating. I am glad the boys are doing good (especially Knox, how scary!) and awesome news about Rye!
Yay, so glad you updated :) I just heard about poor knox from zack and taysh, glad he's okay, poor guy! Glad you guys are doing well!
I'm glad you are all still alive!! Sounds like things are good! Your boys are soo cute!
Good grief, I about started bawling while I read your post! I can't imagine how scary that would have been...I think you handled it a lot better than I would have. Glad everything is ok now!
So scary about Knox! I am so glad he is okay. I loved reading this. I miss you guys and love ya lots!
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