Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Holden+Knox+Race=a lot of work

A short write up on each of the boys, Rye, even though it was the last thing I'm sure he wanted to do, haha, got me a new camera.  So we went to the park to test it out and play with it. Good thing I have cute guiney piggy's=)


 Holden is a dream child.  Although I get feeling so bad, because he is at that age where you expect a lot out of him, and he is the big brother.  I feel like I'm constantly getting mad at him.  But in reality he is such a good kid.  He spends his life trying to please people, do whats right, and be a good person especially a good brother.  He is constantly doing things for his brothers, scavenger hunts, playing school, reading, and making them things.  He is good boy.  He is also a know-it-all=)  This is a funny conversation I had with him.
        We were driving and Holden was telling me what kind of
Dr he was going to be.  (a heart surgeon, I'm cool with that)  So Knox yells from the back,  "
MoM!  You know what I'm gonna be hu!  Im gonna be a police man!!"  Then Holden says "No no no Knox, that's not a safe job....you will die....hummm...pretty much there's only 4 jobs you can do that you wont die doing, a Dr....a sub (a substitute teacher)...a bishop...and...and...an Indian, that's it!"   I laughed so hard!  where he gets his logic is beyond me.  I sure love him though. 

Of all my children this one is the biggest stinker.  He spends his days trying to break, get into, eat, pretty much destroy anything and everything.  Its so hard to because he is so CUTE, and so Rye and I usually just laugh, and so he doesn't get disciplined.  And he has his daddy wrapped around his little monster finger.  Rye is so strict with the boys, and Race can do no wrong!  I think its because Race, I hate admitting it, is me! haha!  And Rye likes me a lot, in case you didn't know...=)  90% of the day he is yelling "NOOooooo!"  It gets so old.  He terrorizes our poor kittens....oh my gosh.  I went out there and he had the littlest kitten and was driving it...=(   he had it and was smooshing it on the sidewalk and pushing it forward if you can imagine.  I ran over and saved it and it was actually purring! He also tries to throw rocks in order to break stuff (our windows).  He is just destructive.  But also is so sweet, he snuggles and kisses, and does in fact LOVE the kittens, when hes not holding them under water (true story)  We all LOVE this baby.  I feel like our entire family revolves around him.  His big brothers adore him, and spend all day playing with him.  IT is so fun for me that they all 3 play together so good.  I really do think they were all best friends is heaven.  Love this little monster. 

Our Boozy
Knox is so funny!  He lives in his own world, and can keep himself busy all day!  He is a ninja, a cop, a robot, a transformer, a jedi, you name it!  He is so dramatic!  It makes me nuts. He will not try at anything to do with education.  I'm so scarred to send him to school next year :/  He is just not interested.  He is way smart, but probably wont read until hes 14! haha!  jk.  We have been trying to work with him on his speech.  He cant say his l's or r's.  It is so cute, but it's not going to be cute when hes older.  He is so fun!!  This kid is going to get any girl he wants, he is so cute!  Hes got this manly man masculine cutie pie thing about him.  He is so shy to outsiders, yet he is my most wild outgoing child.  Him and I get along the best. He is fearless with anything except interacting with people.  He had told me he had two pet spiders.  He fed them and took care of them somewhere outside.  I never went and looked.  He kept trying to get me to check them out for a while.  He would say things like they were so cute and stuff. I was like "ya, uh hu, go play."  Well when I found to black widows in the mudroom, I died of fear, locked the door, and had Rye kill them when he got home, I never dreamed those were his pets!!  "Mom!! Why did you kill my pet spiders!"  .....true story.  If your kid says he has a pet, go check it out.  We love Knox.  He beings the wild to our home!

1 comment:

bliss' said...

Oh my pet spiders! I will agree always go check out those pets! I Race sounds like Breklyn she is such a trouble maker.