Monday, November 30, 2009

Choo-Choo TRAIN!

We had so much fun going home for thanksgiving! We had the best Thanksgiving dinner ever with Ryes family. I ate like a pig. We did a few family things with my family to. But the highlight of the trip was going to Rainbow Canyon Nevada and doing my favorite thing, Breakfast at Ryes and my favorite little diner and then heading up the canyon (which is beautiful) to watch the trains. And if anybody knows my child, they will know, he is crazy obsessed with Choo-choo trains! So, my family made a special trip there just for Holden to see a real choochoo. He loved it. I love just simple little family trips like these. I cant wait until we can always be near our families. We just love them all!Holden and Bentley were so cute, they really have quite the love hate relationship tho, they are either making out (literally) or punching each other! Holden had a blast smashing coins on the tracks!


The brackens said...

P!!!! I love that you guys had such a great thanksgiving!!! Doesnt suck to have the holiday over :(!!! Anyway, Love the pictures!!! Love you guys!!! And are you guys coming this way for Christmas!!! Love ya!!!

Ricci Harvey said...

That's awesome! We have trains all around town here. Porsh, do you remember laying under the tracks at girls camp at Barclay?

McKay and Amanda Jones said...

FUN!!! Your family is so cute!!!

Celisa said...

Looks like it was a ton of fun! I love your family, you are all so awesome. And Noah and Darbye are so old now! I guess I haven't seen Noah since she was like 2, so she looks so big to me. :) I'm excited to see you in Enterprise at Christmas time! Love ya!

Erica Locke said...

Looks like fuN!

It's been a while since I have seen you (the 24th of july!) so it's fun to keep updated from you blog! I would like to send you an announcement... Can I get you address? My e-mail is

Unknown said...

Hey Portia, do you know what you're having yet?

Tiffany Christensen said...

How fun. I have a crazy-obsessed-with-trains little boy too! Fun. We love going and finding trains too, they are hard to come by these days! You look so great, and your two guys are so handsome? Yeah, have you found out what you are having? Maybe a boy like Cassie!