Sunday, March 20, 2011


Hello!! .....Ok, so Life has been GOOD!!
So, good..... I lot has happened for us. Rye's transfer date is the 11th of April. So we will move the first week of the month. The good news is we are pretty much all packed... I am so sad to go, yet super exited. I love all the new people in my life, and I love the primary presidency. We through the ward party last night, and I felt like such a "big girl." I have been SOOOOO busy. I have found Being Idle, makes me unhappy, SOOOO I have just put my whole life, every second of the day, into motherhood, my calling, my husband, my running, my crafts, working with Holden a ton(so SMART), making all new picture frames (FUN!) new curtains, refinishing old furniture & whatever else I can do! It is has been fabulous.

Holden is Potty trained only one in diapers now.
Knox has been walking for about 6 weeks now, he now can run, he will not let me put him down... ever.

Well, that's it for now. Here are some pictures I snapped of the baby boy a few weeks ago......He is such a stud baby. Everywhere I go people fall in love with him, especially his hair.....AWWWW, just seeing these pictures of him, makes me want to go, wake him up from his nap, and love him.


Ricci Harvey said...

He is so cute! He looks so much like Oody. I also think that being idle makes me unhappy, but sometimes I can't get out of my funk. It's been better since I've been called to be the Young Women's secretary though. I'm glad life is going good for you guys! Where are you moving?

Woods Family said...

your boys are so cute! I'm glad to hear you guys are doing well!

Portia said...

Ricci!! We are moving to Eureka, it is only like 2 hours away, but two hours closer to home!

Erica Locke said...

Knox is so precious. I, too, am in love with his hair. And congrats on the successful potty trained!